Robot thinking

Partner with Qeedio and save your clients up to 80% of outage costs

Join our Partner network and grow revenue by delivering world-class AI monitoring to your clients using our easy-to-implement solution.

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Suitable for any Businesses with
established IT network

Icon of cogs and play arrow
Clients with
automated IT
Icon of a circle enclosing multiple shapes
Clients from
any industry
Icon of a circle with multiple sizes
of all sizes
Albatros logoDr. Max logoPALMKNIHY (logo)Softim logo

Who we are

In Qeedio, we predict systems outages so people can run businesses without worries about their IT operations

Qeedio has become one of the top innovations from Central Europe!

Qeedio Suggestions - screenshot

Provide the newest IT support
on the market

A dollar sign
Save your clients up to 80% of unnecessary outage costs
Qeedio predicts and solves the potential issue before it becomes a real problem
A recycle bin with spam
Help them overcome unnecessary notification spam
Qeedio reduces alert noise by 99%. It sends only important and well structured notifications
A stopwatch indicating swift resolution
Let their IT specialists solve issues much faster
Qeedio is like L1 support that sorts the alerts and gathers necessary information instead of people

Schedule meeting with...

Fotografie Davida Schilleria
Chief Sales Officer
+420 606 637 091

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